DIY Dinosaur Ornamemts Upcycle
This is a post for all your parents out there with dinosaur obsessed kiddos. Actually… the idea would work with any kind of “plastic toy” obession. You can make a DIY Toy Ornament out of any toy figurine.. But, the dinosaurs are particularly fabulous. Learn how to create this DIY Dinosaur Ornaments Upcycle for Christmas! This is a fantastic guest post from Söphie Elizabeth!

It is never too early to start thinking about these DIY Toy Ornaments – as NOW is a good time to keep an eye out for old toys in thrift stores, car boot sales, ebay or school fairs!
So if you are keen to learn how to turn toys into ornaments, read on. You could be looking to make action figure ornaments.
The majority of plastic toys will NOT need a drill.. however, if you are trying to turn a wooden toy into an ornament (e.g. and old Thomas the Tank Engine) or have a particularly hard plastic toys or hard plastic dinosaurs, you may need a little “drill assistance” plus some strong glue.
Todays, DIY Dinosaur Ornaments where super easy and the small eye hooks could be screwed in my hand!
Some notes on making DIY Toy Ornaments
A couple of notes for you:
- Make sure you have different sized dinosaurs to turn into ornaments – that way, you can still place some of the smaller dinosaurs at the top of the Christmas tree! The bigger dinosaur ornaments can go towards the bottom
- Make sure, that you don’t take your child’s prized possession and turn it into an ornament.. there will be tears!
- You can make these DIY Gold Ornaments with any kind of toy!
- We really LOVE the gold effect of these DIY Dinosaur ornaments, as it really makes them stand out on the Christmas tree, gives them an additional festive feel and ads wow factor! I think the gold spray is 100% worth it!
Over to the fabulous Söphie Elizabeth and a big thank you for sharing your step photos and DIY upcycle idea!
Supplies needed to make a DIY Gold Dinosaur Ornaments

- A box of dinosaur toys (see if you can find some at car boot sale, a school fair or on ebay! I highly encourage you to seek out “old” toys and not to but new, to give some old a new lease of life!)
- Some small eye hooks for hanging
- Fishing wire or ribbons for hanging
- Gold spray paint
- Plastic primer
- Newspaper to work on

How to make your own upcycled Dinosaur Ornaments for the Christmas Tree
I have a 3 year old who loves dinosaurs so I thought why not decorate a little different this year.
I ended up using 2 boxes of dinosaurs as half the box was to big and heavy for the tree, but thats ok that just means more dinosaurs for the 3 year old to play with.

Screwed in small eye screws by hand as the plastic is soft enough to do so.

Once ready, add one coat of plastic primer and let dry.

Next add one coat of cheap gold paint. Be sure to follow the instructions on the spray paint and do this outdoors to protect yourself from the spray fumes.

I used old fishing line to hang them and we were ready to put up the tree .

Yup. That was it! Easy peasy, right? And so so fun and effective!

Love personalised and Handmade Christmas Ornaments? Check out this gorgeous collection: