Egg Carton Treasure Box Craft for Pirate Day
So. This little egg carton craft – our treasure box – came about all “by accident”. I also think that these treasure boxes make a quirky DIY Gift Box Idea! We were on holiday and Pip Squeak needed a new set of hair bands and hair clips… so off I went and bought her some. When we got home we needed to keep them safe. Someone grabbed an egg box and her holiday treasure box was born.

She was more than happy having an undecorated treasure box and played with it for hours – the little egg carton compartments great for sorting with the “poking out bits” great for the hair bands. I thought it would be lovely to decorate it all prettily when we got home. So we decoupaged Pip Squeak’s treasure box and so as not make Red Ted feel left out, we thought we would paint him a brown one. I love them both equally and for different reasons. And I also wonder why we never came up with the Egg Carton Treasure Box idea before – especially as the Egg Carton box is simply perfect (in our eyes!!!).
(PS I have had lots of question re those little pirates.. they are “Djeco Pirates” and we LOVE them)
Btw if you want more Egg Carton Craft ideas – check out our Egg Carton Crafts collection!
Back to our Treasure Box Craft:
Materials needed to make an Egg Carton Treasure Box:
- One Egg Carton,
- Brown & Gold acrylic paint for Red Ted’s (many readers have made yellow versions of this box with sticker gems)
- Decoupage paper and PVA Glue for Pip Squeak’s
- I also used some Washi Tape and a gem on hers
But have a look around and see what materials you have at home.. you can cut out pictures from magazines or use stickers or cover it in fabric.. your call!
How to make a Treasure Box from an Egg Carton
1) Start decorating. Pip Squeak did the decoupage. I got her to cut up the paper into small pieces first. For decoupage – add a layer of glue and then place your strips of paper on top. Then add another layer of glue and try to get a smooth a surface as possible. 1-2 layers should suffice. She managed to do about half the box, before she lost concentration. Red Ted, managed to do all the brown painting and asked me to finish off the gold once the brown had dried.
2) Once all dried decorate – in Pip Squeak’s case with some Washi Tape (love Washi Tape? Check out our other Washi Tape Craft ideas) and Red Ted’s we added some golden strips and with a black marker pen some “bolts” and a key hole.
3) Done. So simple and 100% adored!!! The perfect craft for Talk Like a Pirate Day.. right?!
Now go play.
More Egg Carton Crafts here:
Do check out our other Gift Box Ideas too: