Kids Crafts: Peanut Finger Puppets
A little blast from the past (that we originally made around Christmas time) – peanut finger puppets! They are so cute and quirky and we had such fun with these. Needless to say, please be mindful of allergies.. not a suitable craft for all homes! We love all kinds of homemade puppets. Let’s take a look.

Onwards.. to the original craft and post!
Well.. as you know it is Christmas in our dolls’ house too. Last week we made some little Christmas presents. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas festivities!! Today we have little Peanut Puppet Dwarves for you.
I apologies in advance for those of your with Peanut or nut allergies in the family. Please do NOT read on.
Pip Squeak ADORES sticking the lids of pens on her fingers. She is forever doing it (which can be a little boring when you have to match all the pens and lids back up again).
So when I saw Peanut Puppets on my crafty journey, I knew I had to make some. I confess however, that I cannot remember WHERE I saw them. I think it was in a craft book (I get to review them every so often). So, I apologise for not crediting someone properly.
Also.. this is a craft that I ended up making FOR the kids. Though Red Ted did help me paint he dwarves coats a little. I do want to make some with them to do.. and we will probably have a go at creating little imaginary beings over the coming days. But I really fancied some dwarves… especially as the peanut shape is PERFECT for dwarf hats!
Supplies needed to make Peanut Puppets

If like us, there is always a bowl of nuts to crack and peel at Christmas, then these are for you. They are an awesomely thrifty craft, as you get to still eat your nut! And then play with the “waste”.
- whole peanuts,
- acrylic paint,
- small paint brush,
- Optional: cotton wool & glue
How to make your Peanut Puppets

1. Cut the bottom of your shell off and carefully shake out your peanuts

2. Look at your peanuts – what creatures do they remind you of? I actually made a Smurf first. Just irresistable. But my children don’t* know the Smurfs, so there was no point in making more. Dwarves it is. Which is great, as Pip Squeak is learning her colours and Red Ted can practice counting.
*didn’t know the smurfs at the time.. they do now!

3. Paint.

4. Play!
Would love to see any special finger puppet creations! Or have you made something out of “something unusual” like peanuts?
Anyway.. as you know, we have a TON of Paper Puppets to make here on Red Ted Art too.. many with templates. But why not take a look at those today too!