Pop Up Dinosaur Juniors (inspired by Rob Biddulph)
Disclaimer: sponsored by HarperCollins Children’s Books!
Today we are celebrating the launch of a new and gorgeous picture book series: Dinosaur Juniors by Rob Biddulph! Rob is a brilliant children’s book illustrator and story writer and the Dinosaur Junior books are all about the antics of some wonderful dinosaur friends. Let’s make some adorable Hatching Paper Dinosaur Puppets! We love cute Dinosaur Activities for preschoolers!

The first book Happy Hatchday is all about friendships and birthday parties.. and the second, Give Peas a Chance, all about that well-known subject of the FUSSY EATER…. To celebrate the launch of these gorgeous illustrated books, HarperCollins Children’s Books asked us to create a printable craft for kids to make… We decided these Pop Up Dinosaur Junior puppets would be just the thing! Make your dinosaurs hatch and then create some of your own Dinosaur Juniors.
We focussed on three of the characters: Greg, Nancy and Sue. In case you didn’t know – Greg LOVES hanging with his friends, Nancy is a star on the guitar (and doesn’t like peas..) and Sue loves to run!!! Come on then, let’s take a look and see how our sweet Pop Up Dinosaur Puppets are made!
The books are available at good bookstores and on Amazon US/ UK (affiliate links)
Pop Up Dinosaur Juniors Puppets – watch those Dinosaurs HATCH!
Other cute dinosaur crafts that are popular:

You may also like these two dinosaur crafts with printables:
- Quick and easy paper dinosaur feet
- Paper dinosaurs (two sizes – one to make as is, and one to make as toilet roll dinosaurs!)
We have got a really cute craft for the dinosaur fans amongst us today! We will be making Peek-A-Boo Surprise Eggs! Let’s get to it!!!

Pop Up Dinosaurs – Supplies needed:

- printable (The free templates are hosted on Gumroad – enter 100% discount code PeekaBooDino at check out, or leave a tip if you wish!)
- popsicle sticks
- scissors to cut out template
- glue to glue the paper toy together
The free templates are hosted on Gumroad – enter PeekaBooDino discount code at check out, or leave a tip if you wish!

How to make your Pop Up Dinosaur Juniors Puppets

Grab the printable! And then cut out your favourite dinosaur and accompanying egg shapes. You can choose Greg, Nancy or Sue! Make them all, play peek-a-boo and let your friends guess who is hiding in the egg.

Time to GLUE Greg on a popsicle stick. Make sure to let it dry! I know, I know we dislike waiting, too!

Now, cut the one egg shape along the crack into two pieces. The lower part we will glue onto the back of the other egg shape (that is whole). Now here is the call out for attention!!!
ATTENNNNNTION: ONLY put glue on the sides as seen in the picture so that Greg can be moved up and down later on.

When you have added glue put the lower cracked egg shell on top.

Last but not least add the egg shell “hat” on to Greg with (well yes) glue.
When the glue is dry you can slide Greg inside the egg and pull down on the popsicle until the egg closes completely.
Then SHOUT “peek-a-boo” and make Greg reappear by pushing the popsicle stick upwards.

Aren’t they adorable? Time to guess who is hiding in which egg!!! And once you have hatched your dinosaur juniours… why not create a little story with them?
Do check out these adorable books today:

The books are available at good bookstores and on Amazon US/ UK (affiliate links)

Happy Dinosaur Crafting!!

More adorable Dinosaur Crafts for Preschoolers: