10 Rainbow Loom Charms
Oh how the rainbow loom bug has hit home…… we are so into our rainbow looms and rainbow loom bracelets and the kids are constantly making more and more. One thing we have NOT yet ventured into, is rainbow loom charms/ rainbow loom characters – things you can make to add as key rings or zipper pulls or where as a brooch or pendant.. there are so many FANTASTIC rainbow loom charm designs out there, I wanted to share a few with you!
Please note: We have NOT yet tried these wonderful Rainbow Loom Charms out. I suspect that a number of them will be for older kids only!
Rainbow Loom Charms
Let’s begin… with some our our favourite rainbow loom charms from around the web (for some I have embedded the rainbow loom charm video, for others, you need to click through).
Rainbow Loom – Owl! Serious cuteness!
Rainbow Loom Butterflies (fab video!)
This reindeer is TOTAL cuteness. love!
These Skateboards are just BRILLIANT
Rainbow Loom Icecreams
How about a Rainbow Loom Olaf
Rainbow Loom Cupcake Charms
Rainbow Loom Minion Pencil Toppers (Great for Back to School!)
Rainbow Loom Mario Mushroom Pencil Topper