3D Christmas Tree Colouring Page for Grown Ups
The Coloring Page for Grown Ups trend continues. We have found solace, calm and relaxation in colouring and in this oh so busy period in the run up to Christmas, I think it is especially important to “down tools”, pick up the pen and colouring. So this Christmas: Keep Calm and Colour On! Today, we have some wonderful 3D Christmas Tree colouring pages for you to add your Christmas Printables favourites!
3d Christmas Tree Coloring Pages

They look fabulous as a decoration for your mantel piece. There are several VERSIONS… one is the 3D Tree for Grown Ups in different SIZE – large, medium and small.
You can print off the MEDIUM TREE HERE ON RED TED ART, the OTHER version, are a large and small size + a simpler version for kids – to give them creative freedom to decorate and colour in which ever way you want. You can get these printables over on Hattifant (links shared again below!).

To grab your free printable, simply head to gumroad and enter $0 at check out

For the remaining two – scroll to the bottom of this post for links to Hattifant’s website, where they are also currently available for free!
This video shows how to assemble your 3D tree

I have been asked a number of times what pens we use and have (I am NOT being paid to promote these, we genuinely love our set) – we have this set from Faber Castell, they are brilliant and I highly recommend them! (affiliate links)

Though of course I love all our FREE COLOURING PAGES for grown ups, there are also some fabulous commercially available Christmas Colouring Books. I really like the look of this “Magic Christmas” book.. great for sitting next to the cozy fire place (or radiator) with a hot mug of cocoa or a nice cup of tea.
Add it as a stocking filler too!
UK readers (affiliate links)

Get your FREE LARGE & SMALL TREES + kid’s Christmas Tree Printable OVER ON HATTIFANT’s Site! Again, remember to enter $0 at check out!

All our Christmas printables are here for you to browse

We also have this adorable 3D Angel Printable – my kids go nuts over this one!:

And some Santa Coloring Pages/ Greeting Card Printables: