Cactus Crafts – Hama Bead Jewellry
It is that time of year….. the weather is hotting up and we are thinking about Summer themed crafts. There are so many things that say SUMMER to us – from boats, to shells, to flying kites and sunflowers…. and one such thing is our prickly friend the cactus. I personally have a “bit of a thing about” Cacti. I don’t know what it is, but I find Cacti irristible. So I thought it would be fun to see if we could come up with a Hama Bead Cactus Pattern.. and then turn our Hama Bead Cactus into a necklace or keychain. So here is our effort.. what do you think?
Cactus Crafts – Hama Bead Necklace
For your Cactus Hama Bead Necklace, you will need:
(affiliate links added for convenience)
- Hama Beads in assorted colours (get yours here – UK Readers, US Readers)
- A hexagonal pegboard or square pegboard depending on which pattern you want to make (get yours here – UK Readers, US Readers)
- Grease proof paper
- And iron & ironing board
- A little wire or an eyelette
- A necklace or leather strap for hanging
- A sharp tool
Here are you Hama Bead Cactus Patterns –

I later decided that I preferred “black prickles” and also added some additional flowers as I thought they would look nice – a bit like a charm bracelet
Once you are ready, put on a heat proof surface such as an ironing board.
Then using grease proof paper iron our Cactus Pattern on BOTH SIDE – this will prevent it from falling apart.
Once ironed and whilst still hot, make some holes for hanging with a sharp tool – be careful not to hurt youself!
Finally, I got a bit of wire and made a little hopp that went through the cactus and hung it on a simple necklace. These would look cute as key chains too!