Daily Creativity: Junk Modelling


Welcome back to our little creative challenges, getting you and your kids to do more creative, but easy and open ended projects.  The idea behind “Daily Creativity“, is that you nurture you child’s creativity, with simple projects, requiring little set up time from you, as well as little intervention (just make sure they don’t eat the art materials if your kids are younger!!). Your child gets a chance to explore and experiment and try out things for themselves. It also means that should you have a go at some of the Kids Get Arty projects (bigger projects exploring real artists), you child has a key skills to draw from making these projects more interesting, pleasurable and satisfying.

As with many of our “Daily Creativity” sessions, I find that the kids sit down, get absorbed, explore.. actually freeing up time for me to get some work done too!

Examples of previous creative sessions: leaf rubbingsprintingcutting practicecloud spottingice colour theory

Benefits of Junk Modelling

Today’s project looks at children’s all time favourite: JUNK MODELING – a favourite at Preschools across the world. Red Ted cannot get enough of it. We have so many different Junk Modelling sessions that I have lost track!

Junk Modelling is a great way to explore how things go together. Developing spacial awareness and structural skills. Kids also learn about different glues – what makes what stick and how well and is a great way to stimulate the imagination. It is great to let the children direct all and of course help them a little if they need assistance!

So. Today, I challenge you to look into your Recycling Box, retrieve some items. Take some odds and sods from the craft box and let your child create. Above we have a boat (of course). Recently Pip Squeak created her very own Giraffe (I must find and take some photos) and we have made many many rocket constructions. Wonderful.

Enjoy getting the kids get creative!