DIY Electro Dough Kit – Science for Kids
As many of you may know, every so often we dabble in creative Science here on Red Ted Art. As a mum with a science background (I have a degree in engineering, believe it or not), I am keen to make science and technology, hands on, fun and above all “second nature for my kids”.
Having said that, I don’t always have the time, to create clever little science projects for my kids – especially when it comes to things like electronics – many other science subjects can be easier to do at home. (check out some of our “easy science activities” here and here). So electronics and more abstract science has been a little harder for us to implement so far.
Enter Technology Will Save Us (TWSU) – an organisation which is on a mission to spark the creative imagination of young people using hands-on technology. TWSU create award winning DIY kits and digital resources that help people make, play, code and invent using technology.
They have created this fabulous Electro Play Dough (yes, play dough can conduct!!) Kit for you (and at £15 it would make for a great stocking filler, I think!) – it comes with all these handy and fun bits and pieces, that I just wouldn’t have been able to get together myself.
I love how the kit encourages you to make your OWN PLAY DOUGH using common household items. We are great fan of homemade play dough.. and this kit is just another great use for it. It really IS EASY to make.. and you can create all sorts of colours to suit your playing needs.
The kids came home from school (donned their batman tops) and were “right into it”. I have to confess, I was a bit hands off at first and kind of just left them to it.. at first “it didn’t work”.. and “suddenly it did”… why? The first questions of explorations started: we noticed that there were red and black wires…
That the little LEDs had a “longer and a shorter end.. what happens if we light more than one? and if we try and make sound at the same time? Why did the sound go quieter? Lots of questions, probing and experimenting.
…and it’s really great how the kids (aged 7 and 5) probed and explored on their own, with only a little input from me. The kit comes with a booklet with some helpful “first” layouts that you can do , to get you started. It was a really interesting process and the kids learned quickly that you need a “complete” circuit for anything to happen!
This is a super handy kit, made simple, for small hands, with big minds and imagination!
Do check out their site for more info on this Electro Play Dough Kit – as mentioned, I think it would make a GREAT stocking filler. You can also join us on social media using the #FutureInventors hashtag via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter – do share your science ideas, questions and explorations!