DIY Winnie the Pooh Ornament
Oh my. Sometimes you simply **have to make something**. I have a *thing* about collecting wine corks and especially champagne corks (well prosecco) from special occassions.. and if I have time and the inspiration to turn them into a keepsake Christmas ornament – to remember the day or the event and to decorate the Christmas Tree. Today is one such special cork Christmas Tree Ornament DIY. My little niece had her naming ceremony a couple of weeks ago.. the theme being Winnie The Pooh. Pooh being such a kind and wise old bear.
So I grabbed a couple of the celebration corks with the view of making her something special. I was originally going to make a Cork Angel but then remembered our Polar Bear Cork Ornaments (and how quick and easy they were to make) and decided that a DIY Winnie the Pooh Ornament would be FAR MORE SPECIAL. And my little niece really is a special little thing… and much deserving of a lovely personalised keepsake ornament!
And as always.. I love to share my craft with you today!!
DIY Winnie the Pooh Ornament – Materials
- Champagne Cork (you can buy them online too – US/ UK)
- Paint (I used this great gloss enamel paint in primary yellow and red – US/ UK)
- Black Posca Pen
- Pink Posca Pen (or a little red enamel paint)
- A little felt
- A little wire (for hanging)
- Hot glue gun
How to make a Winnie the Pooh Ornament from Corks
I confess that I kind of made it up as I went along.. but I am really pleased with the result, so I guess it worked! Also… dusk was settling as I let the paint dry.. so some of the photos are little grainy as the light faded.. but I think they are still good enough to share with you!
Painting the Christmas Cork
Begin by painting your cork yellow. I found this primary yellow had a nice warmth to it, just like the real Winnie the Pooh. If need be add two layers. I find that the gloss enamel dries really quickly, so two layers are totally worth it.
Add Pooh’s face to the ornament
Next I decided to draw the face with a Posca pen. If need be, practice on some paper first!
Winnie the Pooh’s red jumper
I then realised that Pooh wears are red jumper (doh) and that really, I needed to add that. Luckily the red gloss enamel paint goes very well OVER the yellow. If your paints are not as opaque as mine, you may want to add the red shirt BEFORE painting the hole cork yellow!
Adding Winnie the Pooh’s ears and hanger
Cut out some small felt ears in yellow and hot glue on. Don’t worry if your yellow is not an exact match..
I simply painted over in my gloss enamel! Perfect.
For the hanger I made a small wire loop and using sharp scissors made a hole in the top of the head and inserted it. Add a little glue and done.
Let it all dry fully and your darling little DIY Winnie the Pooh Ornament Keepsake is finished.
I added my nieces name and year of the Naming Ceremony underneath!!!
More Cork Christmas Ornament DIYs here