Get Crafty – May 2010 – All things Red
Welcome to the monthly Get Crafty carnival – designed to inspire and provide ideas for all age groups. This month’s theme was “all things red”. And my! How many lovely RED things there are out there!
I have decided to categorise this time, so you can quickly find what inspires you most!
With Spring in the air, June’s Get Crafty theme is “Nature” – this basically can be anything: drawings of animals, insects, flowers etc or something made “from nature” – leaves, sticks, stones….. your imagination is the limit!
Get Crafty with Children
Dragon Egg Box
I am sure we all remember Egg Box crafts from when we were young. Red Ted’s nursery claims they are not allowed to use these due to Health & Safety (boo hiss), so here is something to inspire you at home from Activity Village!
Red ted
Here we have a GIANT Strawberry that Aly made for her children. This was a true labour of love, as it the Giant Strawberry Seeds took 4 nights to sew on, but lovely Aly, gives us some handy hints as to how to speed up the process and make it safer for <3yrs olds! What a fab tea set addition!
Swing Clip Folk
Charlotte at Chez Lee has been making some fabulous “Swinging Clip Folk” – I remember doing these as a little girl and loving it! Take a closer look… they incredibly good (but “easy enough” for your little one to have a go at!)
Red ted
Marbled Paper
Look at this BEAUTIFUL marbled paper – doesn’t it look effective? It is SO simple to do and doesn’t cost a lot. Use it as wrapping, as part of cards, or just hang it on the wall and enjoy – Frugal Family Fun shows us how (and check out the rest of her site – some awesome awesome fun things to do!).
Post Box
As you know we LOVE reading in our house. So when Mrs Frugal at Frugal Family made this to encourage Master Frugal to read more, I thought it was simply ingenious! A must have in Red Get Crafty!!! So simple. So effective!
Red ted
A LOVELY take on “story + art” – I know there is only a little red, but pink is close? And this submission is from someone claiming (!) not to be arty at all (I protest!) – Claire (who doesn’t blog) described the event: “We visited the butterfly houses at Golders Hill Park and London. I cut out a buttefly shape on some card – drawing on the back of the card and then folding it in half before cutting to get it symmetrical . Emily [2yrs!!] then painted the butterfly in lots of colours – and while it was still wet we folded it in half to get the pattern the same on both sets of wings (in theory you should probably just paint half of it – then fold – but Emily likes painting so the bigger the space to paint the better!)
Here is one of ours – part of the “Story + Art project Hurray for Fish” – we made lots of fish from our hand and foot prints… here is a red one.
Red ted
Red ted
Giant Tissue Paper Flower
Look at this gorgeous HUGE spring flower! Mommy Moment shows us how to bring spring into your house!!!
Red Ted
Red ted
Touchy Feely Alphabet Wallchart
What a lovely way to learn the alphabet – over at the Nurturestore, they are making their own touchy feely wallchart. Imagine spending a good 10-30min making a letter, it would definitely make you remember it better! Go take a peak. Be inspired! I think Red Ted and I will be make some of these very soon – he loves my wool, he’ll love it even more if he is allowed to use some!
Paper Plate & Egg Carton Bugs
A Hungry Caterpillar inspired activity session, resulted in not one, not two, but SIX buggy creations! Go over to Molly’s place and check out what they did and what you need to make your own! I am VERY impressed...
red ted
Decided to decorate Pip Squeak’s room and make a lovely little “keep sake” with this paper bunting made with her scrummy tiny feet! All you need to do:make some foot prints, cut them out in a bunting shapped triangle (or cut them out & stick them on a triangle, may be easier especially if there’s some smudging, it just means more cutting). Staple to some ribbon. And hey presto, you are done 🙂 I drew an edge, just so it contrasts a little better against the wall. But if you cute your feet out, you could use coloured paper for the triangles. That would look gorgeous! Top tip: helps if there is another adult around. One of you holds baby, one does painting of feet and pressing down. Have a bowl of warm water handy and an old teatowel to dry tiny feet and get rememnants of paint off!).
Red ted
Get Crafty for children (or with older children!)
Hungry Caterpillar Cake Decor
Ok, so only the head is Red. But I saw this and said to Kooky Boutique “it must go in”. How gorgeous is this FIMO hungry caterpillar? She made it as a cake decor! Fabulous!
Baby’s hat
Another one of mine. I knitted this hat for a friend’s baby – it is a Debbie Bliss pattern – I love Debbie Bliss – the patterns are not too “naff” and her wool is machine washable (I buy it on ebay!). Out of the wool stated you can almost make two hats, so get double the amount and make 3!! Have made about 7 of these!!! Pip Squeak has one in teal and white.
Red ted
Red Birthday Party
How lucky for Get Crafty that over at Sew Chic and Unique a little birthday girl was celebrating here birthday with her favourite colour RED! Yay! So we have this gorgeous little toddler bag – VERY chic. Love the strawberry H. As well as a red & rainbow pencil roll… and of course RED RED RED cupcakes. Perfect!
Ok, so there are “few” of my submissions, but can I help enjoying making things. Especially if it involved my children?! Here we have some more pegs. A while back Red Ted Got Stuck In and made some pegs with me. He painted, I decorated. I have been wanting to make some feathery birds since then. Red Ted has been wanting to paint more pegs. So we made some birds (photo to be posted in previous post ASAP) as well as these cute little soldiers. We use all our pegs on our “Art Washing Line”. A great way to dry art, but also display it! I highly recommend having one!
Red Ted
Get Crafty for adults (or older children)
Aren’t these paper lanterns simply devine?! How beautiful. How gorgeous! The beautiful Childhood Magic blog shows us how!!! These are definitely part of any childhood magic… make some for your children (but, erm, please be careful with live flames! We once had a Xmas tree housefire… sigh).
Red Ted
Get Crafty – oooh
Heart Photo
Here is an “Ooh” for you. How pretty. Pen made this for valentines! She tells us how on flickr.
Red Ted
ed ted
Monsieur Alphonse Poissonnier
I knowI said “no shops”, but every so often something just TOO CUTE sneaks in. This time it was this naughty Kitti by The Other Mousie! Also, we shall soon be seeing a “How to” from this Kitti’s creator, so he simply had to stop by and say hello!
red ted
Newbie blogger Tania (go on, pay her a visit and say “hello” and make her feel welcomed!), made these super delicious Cupcakes. They look devine! Shame she lives Down Under and I live in Blighty. None for me! Do like this “entry” though, as who said you can’t be Arty in the Kitchen…