Handprint Alphabet – N for Narwhal
Now N was prooving a little bit of a challenge, what or what should we make? Many Ns are a little obscure – Nene or Nyala. Others are just a bit too plain – Nightingale or Newt – would just be mistaken for the simpler relative (bird or lizard). And then someone (or many) said to me “how about a Narwhal, that is the unicorns of the sea, you know?! How how could I resist THAT! The unicorn of the see indeed. Wonderful! (we were —> this close <— to cheating and doing a Nemo). So a Narwhal it was!
Key characteristics: a longish whale with a long point nose, a contrast under belly and some have spots….
We left the thumb paint free. And mixed the light blue under belly a little into the rest of the body.
Red Ted added a blue fin, a long swordfish like nose, spots and eyes. Oh and another mouth and nose!
And aaah Pip Squeak’s… is just wonderful as always!
Happy Handprint N!!!
The rest of our Alphabet Handprint:
Handprint Art A, Handprint Art B, Handprint Art C, Handprint Art D, Handprint Art F , Handprint Art G, Handprint H, Handprint Art I, Handprint Art J, Handprint Art K, Handprint Art L, Handprint Art M