How to Make Christmas Tree Cupcakes
A couple of months ago you may have seen some ADORABLE OWL CUPCAKES that I shared from my friend the Sugarcoder on YouTube. Seriously cute stuff. Now Sugarcoder is simply a WHIZZ at both macaroons AND cupcakes (actually cookies too for that matter) and she makes it all look so terribly easy! Here YouTube Channel is WELL WORTH a visit and subscription as she has regular videos up each week for you to browse and be inspired by (or simply to drool over). But I digress, today she is sharing some Christmas Treats with us – these FABULOUS CHRISTMAS TREE CUPCAKES!!! Aren’t they simply GORGEOUS. I am so so so inspired to have a go and that is saying something, as arty cakes are not quite my thing (though I do love eating them).
These cutest of cute Christmas Tree Cupcakes were first published in Dec 2015 and have been updated and republished for your convenience!
And the best thing, is that she has video instructions for all her creations – I love SEEING how other people make things, it is simply fascinating to watch, but also you can see that the Christmas Tree Cupcake recipe really does work!
So.. here we go… check out her… don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to her channel!
Find little Stars for the top here –
Here are some super cute ones (but different) for UK Readers
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