Quick Craft Post: Dolls House Bathroom
Well.. I finally more or less finished the Dolls’ House Bathroom. It only took 3 months…. The dolls can now:
- Shower
- Take a bath
- Go to the loo (including using some toilet paper)
- Wash their hands
- Dry themselves off with warm fluffy towels
What is lovely though about making this house in stages, is that every time we make something new, the children LOVE spending ages again playing with the house. It is like refreshing an “old toy”.
The shower and bath are made from an iphone box. The bottom half is the bath, the top half is the shower. I used a straw and a stick (the stick to stiffen the straw) as the shower rail. The shower curtain is made from one of those plastic folders that you use for files, I just cute a piece out that was twice the width of the shower, folded it like a concertina , hole punched some holes and drew on hearts with a permanent marker. Done.
The loo is made from 4 plastic lids – I super glued 3 together for the seat and stuck one on the back of the wall. Then painted white with acrylics. It would have been easier to paint it white first though. The toilet paper is just strips of paper rolled up and attached to the wall with some craft wire which was then hot glued in place.
The sink is made from a shell, that I hot glued into an “open matchbox”. You will need lots of glue. I painted the matchbox white and added detail for the door. The towels are an old bathrobe, cut down with pinking shears. I attached them to the wall with craft wire again secured in place with hot glue (on the other side of the wall). I may have to redo these.
Mummy is having a shower and Granny is using the Loo… lucky this family doesn’t mind sharing……
Hope you like our DIY Dolls’ House bathroom. My favourite is the shower curtain and shell sink!
Check out the full Doll’s House and see lots more details, like our rose balcony and door handles.