Innocent Twitter Party – 13 Sept 11
Hooray hooray hooray! What is better than one twitter party? Two twitter parties of course.. and yes, it is time for not one but TWO twitter parties… all thanks to the wonderful people at innocent kids drinks!
What is a Twitter Party? A twitter party is when we all come together at a given date and time (see below for dates) on twitter and exchange ideas on a certain topic (in our case lunch box “menus and ideas”). We all use a “hashtag” to help track the party (if you are using tweetdeck or hootsuit, you can “open a special column” and track the hashtag and therefore the conversation much easier). In our case the hashtag will be #innocentkids. Any more questions on how it works, just tweet @christinemosler or myself, @redtedart, and we can chat to you about it on twitter!
As some of you may know, innocent kids has a fabulous range of Smoothies, Fruit Tubes and *new* Juicy Drinks – tasty, healthy ways to help your kids on their way to their 5-a-day and just perfect for lunchboxes. Those of us with kids at school will have experienced first hand how the lovingly sliced cucumbers and carrot sticks, the beautifully cut apple slices and the easy to peal satsumas all too often return to us at the end of the day – that is if we are lucky and they don’t land in the bin.
Well… innocent is hoping to put some fun back into the lunchbox. We are very excited to have received our very own lunchbox to decorate- hopefully getting Red Ted all excited about eating lunch at nursery (every day is a picnic, surely). I know innocent’s great range of juicy drinks, fruit tubes and smoothies will go down a treat!
To celebrate this, Chris from Thinly Spread and I are hosting TWO Lunchbox Fun twitter parties – come and join us and share all your great lunch box ideas – from what lunchboxes/ bags you use, to what you like to put in them, to favourite recipes and tricks of the trade to make every day a picnic (whilst not costing an arm and a leg).
There will be spot prizes, as well as an overall prize for best contributions through the party!
We have chosen two dates, so hopefully you can make at least one of them if not both!
So here are the details:
Sponsored by: Innocent Drinks
Your hosts: @christinemosler, @redtedart, @innocentdrinks
Date 1: Thursday 1st September, 8-9pm (A post bedtime date!)
Date 2: Tuesday 13th September, 1-2pm (A lunch date!)
Party Hashtag: #innocentkids
Prizes: There will be on the spot vouchers for kids smoothies and kids juicy drinks. 3 lucky tweeters will win a month’s supply of kids wedges/or juicy drinks!
So come along. Join in. Share your ideas. Have fun and WIN!