Learning with LEGO

Are your kids as crazy about LEGO bricks as my kids are??? I don’t know what it is about LEGO Bricks – but they are fun and versatile and I love love love the endless possiblity of such a humble toy. So I am even MORE excited about my friends’ brand new LEARNING WITH LEGO ebook freshly out on the market.

Yep.. that is right.. if your kids are LEGO nuts, you can now harness that interest and passion and help your kids learn through these fabulous and fun LEGO activities.

100 Lego Ideas for Learning and Playing

Help your child with skills such as literacy, mathematics, science, fine motor, design and engineering. These are super important skills for kids to engage in today.

Why not make it easy and fun for them to do so by adding LEGO to your learning activities. Equal parts learning and play will truly make a difference in your kid’s love of learning.

We love LEGO and hope you do too!

Learning with LEGO - a fantastic set of science, maths, fine motor skill activities and many many more to get kid learning with LEGO playful and fun


for just $14.95 

money well spent!

Meet the Authors

Danielle Buckley | Danielle is a former teacher and stay-at-home mom of two active preschoolers. She enjoys sharing playful learning activities and neat ideas that keep her kids engaged and having fun! You can find her at MomInspiredLife.com

Dayna Abraham | Dayna is a National Board Certified early childhood teacher turned homeschooling mom of three who’s mission is to remain down to earth while providing ideas for intentional learning experiences ranging from science to sensory play. You can find her at Lemonlimeadventures.com andProjectsensory.com

Laura Marschel | Laura is mom to two sweet redheads who fuel all the fun. She shares cool kids crafts, fun activities, free printables and parenting tips too! It’s basically all about having fun! You can find her at Lalymom.com.

Nicolette Roux | Nicolette is a stay at home mom to 4 little ones. She loves to share her simple and easy crafts & activities, printables and learning ideas on her blog! You can find her at Powerfulmothering.com

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