Paint a Picture of Your House and #WIN
Soooo. You know how we love a good arty competition right? I know many kids are *just about* to start back at school again.. but if your child likes to draw or paint, READ ON – there are some fab prizes up for grabs. My kids actually LOVE drawing at the breakfast table whilst munching on their toast or porridge. Why not get yours to have a go?
So what is it all about. This is a great creative competition by Terry’s Fabrics – encouraging your kids to paint a picture of your house!!! And you can win a number of prizes.
Terry’s Fabrics want your child to explore their creativity. Remember, art does not have to be perfect!! Just fun. Go wild and experiment!
All your child needs to draw is either your house from the outside or inside – maybe your favourite part of the house? Maybe a dream version of your family home?
Maybe your child’s house is sleek and simple? Or has fabulous furniture and furnishings?
Your imagination is the limit. Just get arty!
My kids would be excited about the painting set itself.. never mind the cash prizes AND vouchers up for grabs. So really, this is a GREAT competition to get involved in!