Paper Plate Flying Saucer Craft + 15 Books About Space
Clearly I am TERRIBLY bias, but I do love the crafts that Pip Squeak brings home from nursery. Recently, they made these adorable Paper Plate Flying saucers – such a wonderfully “classic” craft for kids and the kids adored making them as part of the “space lesson plans”. I love how they made it easy for the 3 and 4yrs old preschoolers to do as much as possible themselves.
First published in July 2014 and republished for your convenience!
I then asked my Facebook readers for their favourite Alien Books or Space Books for kids… and will share these below!
Paper Plate Flying Saucer:
- Paper Plate
- Plastic cup
- Paper (for the alien)
- Paint
- Sticky Tape
Paper Plate Flying Saucer:
This is what Pip Squeak told me she did:
1) The teachers traced a circle on the paper plate using the plastic cup and the children cut out the circle (well she did, some got help).
2) She then pained her big red spots
3) Then she drew and painted Alien and once dried cut it out. I think her alien is totally adorable. And the best thing about Aliens is, that like Monsters, there are no “right or wrongs”. The kids can create to their heart’s content.
4) The teacher’s then helped them tape everything into place – the alien inside the plastic cup and the cup to the saucer.
And finished!! I did add a bit of PVA glue once home to secure it all a little more.
Fancy more SPACE CRAFTS? Check out these lovely Space ideas:
If you are looking for some lovely ALIEN BOOKS or SPACE BOOKS to go with this craft, check out the following (as suggested by my Facebook readers!) – Amazon affiliate links added for your convenience:
Q Pootle 5 – (US Readers/ UK Readers)
The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Aliens Love Underpants (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Whatever Next (US Readers/ UK Readers)
My Sister is an Alien (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Man on the Moon (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Bob’s Best Friend Ever (US Readers/ UK Readers)
King of Space (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Albie and the Space Rocket (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Alien Tea (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Skippyjon Jones lost in Spice (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Aliens for Breakfast (US Readers/ UK Readers)
The Accidental Space Ship (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Way Back Home (US Readers/ UK Readers)
Mickey Moonbeam (US Readers/ UK Readers)
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