Recycled Rocket Craft from Science Sparks
Hello, my name is Emma and I write the blog Science Sparks. Maggy kindly invited me to guest post today so I can tell you all about my brand new book, This Is Rocket Science!!
This Is Rocket Science contains 70 fun activities designed to help children understand how a rocket is able to blast off into space, how astronauts cope with some of the difficulties of living in space and also takes you on a tour of the solar system learning about the unimaginable distances involved and features of each planet.
You can get This is Rocket Science here:
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You’ll learn about the forces which impact space travel such as gravity, air resistance and friction through a series of exciting activities, each including full instructions, extension ideas and all fully explained in an easily understandable way.
Recycled Rocket Craft
One of the activities in the book is an easy Milk Jug Rocket Cone.
Milk Jug Rocket Craft – Materials
To make a milk jug rocket, all you need is
- an empty plastic milk container,
- paper,
- tape and
- pens or
- paint to decorate it.
How to make your Recycled Rocket Craft
First you’ll need to create a cone using paper and tape. The cone should sit neatly on top of the milk container.
Give the milk container a big squeeze and the cone will shoot up into the air. Try squeezing the milk container hard and then more gently to see what happens.
You should find that the harder you push the sides of the milk container together the greater the force of the air being pushed out of the container which then forces your rocket cone higher into the air!
My children and I had the BEST time putting the book together and we hope you love it as much as we do.
This is Rocket Science – The Book
THIS IS ROCKET SCIENCE: AN ACTIVITY GUIDE is divided into twelve chapters taking you into space, around the solar system and back down to Earth again! All in easy language for kids to be able to read, digest and understand. Rocket Science made easy!
1. Glorious Gravity
2. Fantastic Friction
3. Marvelous Laws of Motion: Newton’s First Law
4. Marvelous Laws of Motion: Newton’s Second Law
5. Marvelous Laws of Motion: Newton’s Third Law
6. Amazing Air Resistance
7. Let’s Launch!
8. Crazy Combustion and Chemical Reactions
9. Tricky Trajectory
10. Living in Space
11. Landscaped Landing
12. Super Solar System
Published by Page Street Publishing Co. • April 17, 2018 • ISBN: 978-1-62414-524-7 • $19.99
You can get This is Rocket Science here:
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