VTech InnoTab2
Oooh we have been wanting to get our hands on one of these for quite some time now. Well.. the kids have. They are “iphone App” mad and love love love pinching my phone and disappearing off with it. The problem is, they make it all messy and sticky, drop it by accident or “loose” it somewhere in the house. So it was high time for something of their own – and something a little more robust and retrievable! Along came the lovely peeps from VTech and saved the day.
Ever since Red Ted was born, I have wanted to get him a little computer. But I knew that technology and children develop so quickly – which to get? What would he NOT get bored off within 6 months. So I procrastinated and then was very pleased to see the Inno Tab 2 come on the marked and I love that you can update and enhance it by adding more memory and up date games.
The best thing, is that it does everything my iphone does, just kid friendlier – it has the clever tilt sensor, a camera, an MP3 music player, e-reader, microphone and (yes!) an art studio. However, what I do like best about the InnoTab 2 is all the apps you can download – to suit you and your family’s needs. Red Ted is about to start school and his learning will be growing exponentially from now on. The InnoTab 2 will most definitely become part of home learning support. Beginning with alphabet apps, followed closely by maths. The great thing is, he will be “playing” whist learning. Win win in my eyes.
Red Ted loves the games and Pip Squeak immediately started having a go at taking “pictures”. They both love taking photos of the toys, friends and of our cats. Brilliant. My camera is now safe too!
However, it will be one of their toys that I will “restrict usage on” – this will serve 2 purposes, to avoid my kids becoming “typical” techie geeks that only sit in front of screens and to keep the InnoTab2 interesting and exciting for the children whenever they use it. Car journeys will be happier. Or I can whip it out, when need to make a 10 minute phone call in peace. Perfect.
We already had a good play with it, but I am now packing it away (having said to the children that we borrowed it from a friend) and wrapping it up for Christmas – I confess to being a mean mum and not wanting to spoil my children – but of course, the best things do come to those who wait, right?!
Want to get your own? They retail at price £84.99 and and you can get them from VTech Uk.
We received this the InnoTab 2 as a gift from VTech.
Thank you!