23 Photography ideas for kids
Today, I have a very special guest post for you all about Photography Ideas for Kids!!! Beryl reveals her secrets of getting kids excited and into photography! Many moons ago, we did a photo journal which the kids adored. It was super easy and fun and I know the kids would like to do more photography based projects. Here are some great projects and simple ideas to get kids excited about taking photos!

Spring and summer time means more time for outside time, exploration, and possibly even a vacation from school just around the corner. Some days my daughter and I love getting out the art and craft supplies, but other days I long for a simple, easy, and not messy means for creative expression. That’s when we reach for a camera. My daughter has had the opportunity to watch me fall in love with photography over the last 5 years, and now she’s excited to get behind the lens too.

As a professional photographer, sometimes I want to rush into teaching her all I know about composition, lighting, and technical settings. But at this stage, she’s not quite ready for all of that learning. Right now it’s all about keeping things playful and light.
The most important thing to keep in mind when going out to take pictures with your child?
Allow them to lead, foster a spirit of curiosity, and have fun!
If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration for where to start with kids and cameras, here’s 23 of my favorite activities to do together with your kiddos behind the lens!
The best Photography Ideas for Kids!!!
*Snap silly selfies
*Go on a scavenger hunt
*Make a photo art journal
*Read a photography themed book together (Amazon link)
*Find and capture a favorite color
*Create a photo time capsule
*Create image clones with this app here (or here)
*Send pictures to a printer and look through them
*Make frames and create a kids only photo wall at home
*Transform and edit digital photos using Picmonkey (my kids ADORE doing this!)
*Make up a story with photos

*Take a stuffed animal or toy on a photo adventure
*Create a series of photos to document a favorite place (neighborhood, home, school, etc…)
*Print a photo on cardstock and cut to make a photo puzzle
*Close your eyes and snap blindly to create ‘happy accidents’
*Limit your photos to working on one technical skill (focus, composition, light, perspective, etc…)
*Play a photo game where you take one close up photo and one far away. See if a friend or adult can guess what the close up photo is before revealing the far away image.
*Start a 7 day themed project: food, flowers, bugs, animals, etc…
*Print print print pictures. Any pictures.
*Play with instant film.
*Edit photos into watercolor paintings, pencil sketches, crayon drawings or more using this app here.
*Pick an emotion. Find ways to represent that feeling and photography it.
*Make a time lapse series of photos. Use this app to combine them into a video.

Which of these activities will you try? Want even more Photo Activities to try with your kiddos? I’m Beryl Ayn Young, Photo Mom & Mentor and I love teaching moms how to love their photos and their life. Click! A Choose Your Own Adventure Guide For Kids With Cameras is my completely free resource for you — with 5 fun photography activities you can do today with your kids. Get your copy right HERE.