25 Cookie Cutter Craft Ideas

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I don’t know about you, but I have a bit of a thing for cookie cutters.. and there is no question, thatw e have FAR TOO MANY. But when there are so many cute cookie cutter crafts and cookie cutter hacks out there.. they are bit hard to resist, right? Cookie cutters are not just for cookies.. but so much more. Let me inspire you today!

25 Fun Cookie Cutter Crafts & Ideas. A reason to invest in gorgeous Cookie Cutters. Not only can you make fantastic Cookies for the family, but also some of these brilliant DIY Cookie Cutter Craft ideas! #CookieCutters #Christmas #Ornaments #DIY
This collection of fun Cookie Cutter Crafts was first published in November 2014 and has been updated and republished for your convenience!

Of course, it does involve SOME edible crafts too.. but the majority are indeed “crafty crafts” – some to make with the kids, some for you to enjoy – from Cookie Cutter Bird Feeders, to Cookie Cutter Potato printing.

Anyway, I waffle… here is our Cookie Cutter Crafty Chat + lots more links and ideas for you!

Start of with browsing some ridiculously cute cookie cutter shapes here:

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Cookie Cutter Crafts & Ideas:

We will dive straight into our cookie cutter hacks for kids! I hope you have fun browsing these ideas and getting some inspiration.

Cookie Cutter Ideas for Preschoolers

First up some super cute cookie catter crafts for preschoolers. Personally, the cookie cutter bubble wands are probably my favourite.

DIY Shape Bubble Wands for all Seasons – we have Summer Bubble Wands and New Year’s Eve Toddler Wands

DIY Wrapping Paper

Or a simple version – using the cookie cutter as a stencil

wrapping paper

Love Potato Printing with cookie cutters 

Cookie Cutter Bird Feeders

Cookie Cutter Bird Feeders by Prudent Baby – a classic childhood activity made extra special with wonderful cookie cutter shapes! The birds will love this bird feeder!

cookie cutter play dough invitation

Love how cookie cutters are a perfect addition to playing with play dough! Fabulous. In fact, you can make a batch of homemade play dough, pop it in a jar, add a cookie cutter and give it as a gift at a preschoolers birthday party:

playdough recipe

… as we did for our car themed birthday party here.

cookier cutter raggy stars

Cookie Cutter Shaped Raggedy Hearts – a great way to practice fine motor skills with toddlers and preschoolers. Get them wrapping that yarn or fabric yarn and make a cute decoration!

Using Cookie Cutters as a template

Next up, we LOVE using cookie cutters as templates for sewing or or crafts such as needle felting. Can’t draw a heart? No problem, grab that cookie cutter. Need a star shape? No problem… cookie cutters to the rescue! You can use cookie cutters in this way for all sorts of projects, but they are particularly great for sewing felt key chains, zipper pulls or ornaments!

Gifts kids can make - keyring

Use Cookie Cutters as stencils for Felt Key rings – this was a great early sewing project for my kids when they were little. Granny was gifted a few for Christmas, and I still have one as a key chain.

Child Made Button Star Ornaments - a great sewing project for kids

And here are some more darling Felt Ornaments! A few years later Pip Squeak wanted to give it a goa again. This time her sewing was even more independent and it was great opportunity to practice sewing on buttons too!

 Cookie Cutter Needle Felting! Make a flower or a needle felted shamrock

Cookie Cutter Pumpkins

Cookie Cutter Pumpkin Carving – this one probably doesn’t quite fit in any category.. but I think it is SO CLEVER! And a great way to help cut that pumpkin come Halloween. Can’t wait to give Cookie Cutter Pumpkin Carving a go this spooky season!

Cookie Cutter Gifts

making candles at home

Cookie cutter candles (opposed to fire starters!! Don’t light the pine cones as candles!!!)

Pine Cone Fire Starters are a great way to combine nature and some recycling. Use left over candels to make this simple gift!

quilling - cookie cutter ideas

Paper Quilling with Cookie Cutters!

cookie cutter pincushion how to

Cookie Cutter Pincushions


Cookie Cutter Stamped Apron


Cookie Cutter Windchimes

Similarly love these Cookie Cutter Candles for Christmas that we inspired and were created by Pop Sugar. [Update: article no longer available. But Similar to my Cookie Cutter Cars candles. Take a look at the process there!]

Christmas Cookie Cutter Hacks

One of my favourite uses for cookie cutters is of course making Cookie Cutter Christmas ornaments. All you need really is some homemade salt dough and off you go.. but of course, we have some other Christmas Cookie Cutter Hacks and inspiration for you here today!

Salt Dough Stars

Classic Salt Dough Ornaments – use any shape or size!

More fun Cookie Cutter Clay Ornaments

cookie cutter felt ornaments

Christmas Tree Felt Ornaments – Template Cookie Cutters – similar to our hearts and stars earlier today. For this one we practice our blanket stitch! I probably made these about 12 years ago and my Mother in Law still puts them on her tree!

Love these Cookie Cutter Ornaments.. you could turn them into little photo frames or diaramas too! by American Crafts

When you have finished all your Christmas Baking.. simply string up your cutters and hey presto you have a darling rustic garland!!! Find out more on Scattering Lupins.

Cookie Cutter ideas

Peppermint Candy Ornaments

Cookie Cutter Clay Unicorn Ornaments (how ridiculously pretty!)

melty bead cookie cutter ornaments

Perler Bead Cookie Cutter Ornaments [Update: original website Wooz no longer available, so try this link instead]

Here are instructions in English

Looking for Cute  Cookie Cutters click here:

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Cookie Cutter Food Hacks


Themed Treat Sandwiches 

sugar toast cookie cutters

French Toast “mittens”


Heart shaped egg toast!

Oh my! How fun!! I thought these were cookie cutter marshmallows (sounds like a lot of work..) but oh no.. these are Cookie Cutter Frozen Whipped Cream toppings. How very clever and how very cute! The Sweet Society has all the info!

Pancake-Molds Cookie Cutters

Cookie Cutter Pancakes

(find Transport Cookie Cutters here – US / UK)


Cookie On a Mug from Kids Chaos

Cookie Cutter Dog Biscuit recipe

Cookie Cutter Dog Biscuits

(find adorable Bone Shaped Cookie cutters here – US / UK)

Looking for Cute  Cookie Cutters try these!

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Here is a sample of a more details crafty video from me:

Sooo what do you think? Are you feeling “Cookie Cutter” inspired? What have you made using cookie cutters? Would love to hear what your favourite activities are! Have you got any unusual shaped cookie cutters that you simply adore?

Feeling inspired? I hope so!

Why not take a look at our Salt Dough Projects here (some great cookie cutter related Christmas ornaments too):

Salt Dough Crafts - Christmas Ornaments