Boxtrolls Crafts – Make a Boxtroll Costume
Bless his cotton socks… Red Ted can get rather carried away when he falls “in love with” a new movie – some of you may have seen the recent Boxtrolls Movie (we already made a TP Roll Boxtroll Craft a couple of weeks ago) and if you are like us, you will find all those little boxtrolls rather endearing. So Red Ted, decided that he wanted to dress up as one. I have to say.. I found this rather an easy “dress up” idea and think it may be the perfect No Sew Halloween Costume idea – as he can wear his “costume” over his regular clothes…
Boxtroll Costume – Materials:
- A box that roughly fits the torso of your child
- A stanley knife or similar for cutting holes (adults only)
- A printer and glue – Download our EGGS Template (we scanned an image in and bade it bigger)
- A small boy or girl to put in the costume
Boxtroll Costume:
Well.. as you can imagine.. making a boxtroll costume is, ahem, rather easy.. get someone handy with the stanley knife (adults only please) to cut a hole in the top of a box (to fit a head).
Then cut some arm holes.
Then cut the bottom out of your box.
Try for size…
When happy, print out your “Eggs” emblem, cut and stick.
And HUZZAH you have your very own “Eggs Boxtroll Costume”. Now go and have fun!
Need some more No Sew Halloween Costumes? Check out the full set:
Happy Trick or Treating!