Boys Cars Party – sneaky preview
Oooh, I am so excited, Red Ted’s Cars Party (the perfect Boys Crafts idea) is starting to come together! We have made some Cars Cookie Cutter Candles. The local garage is giving me some old tyres for a party game.. and I have just figured out our “crazy balloon car race” – which car will be the first to cross the line?:
I am sure you can come up with a cleverer way to make this party game… but we will take 4 lego cars. 4 balloons. 4 crayons (aka balloon stoppers). 4 bricks and some masking tape.
Blow the balloons up. Use the crayons as stoppers. Secure on lego…
When you are ready, carefully pull the stoppers out. They have two functions – one as the stopper and two, to make sure that the tape, does not squish the balloon too much and let’s the air get out!
What do you reckon? Is this cars party fun?!?!?