Button Salt Dough Hearts
We have made salt dough many many times over the years. Salt dough is such a great kids craft – easy, versatile and so economic too (ok, cheap!! hahaha). I always order a bag of salt with my shopping, just so we have some in for salt dough making emergencies (aka rainy day activities!). We have made salt dough hearts before (they look great simply painted red) and we have had wonderful salt dough heart guests (using bubble wrap as details). Today, we keep it SUPER SIMPLE – great for those of you who haven’t got the time to get the paints out!
I think that these salt dough hearts (all salt dough hearts) work REALLY well for Valentine’s Day, as well as a Christmas Ornament. The Button Salt Dough Hearts below, also look lovely worn as a pendant and given as a gift to friends!
These lovely Salt Dough Ornaments feature in our Christmas Ornament Book. Each craft is shared on one page – making the perfect worksheet print outs. Lovely to have them all in one place too!
Only $7.99
Get yours today and keep it forever!
Salt Dough Heart Recipe:
- 2 cups of flour
- 1 cup of salt
- UPTO one cup of warm water
- Buttns & String
Salt Dough Heart How:
1) Mix your ingredients – adding the warm water gradually until you have a smooth dough. If it gets too wet, just add a little more flour.
2) Roll out and cut out some hearts – in different sizes. Place on a baking tray.
3) Using a chopstick or the back of a paint brush make holes for hanging later.
4) Place in the oven at a 100C. After 5min, “repoke” the holes for hanging (they may close up) and turn. Repeat 2-3 times. Then leave in the oven for 3-4 hours. In summer, these will EASILY dry outdoors in the hot sun. You CAN bake them at a higher temperature, but take care that a) they do not bubble and b) don’t brown at the edges. Patience is best though.
5) Once fully dry (you may want to wait a few days). Take some bakers twin or other string. Add some cellotape to the ends – a bit like shoe laces to make threading easier…. then thread your buttons onto the twine and through the hearts.
DONE! Pretty pretty pretty!
LOTS more Salt Dough Ideas here: