Calming Booklet Printable
Today, I get back together with Learning Resources and our friends at Mrs Mactivity again, to bring you not one, but TWO fantastic Back to School printable resources. Here we have a fabulous little Calming Booklet Printable and Mrs Mactivity has some brilliant Zen Colouring Pages. This is not just a fun little printable craft to make with students but is also designed to help them during those trickier settling in weeks when heading back to school. These would also be great little booklets to take to Summer Camp, if you are accessing this fantastic resource “early”.
Disclaimer: this printable is brough to you in collaboration with Learning Resources, a website dedicated to educational but FUN ideas for kids!
One Page Mini Notebooks – No Glue
Kids LOVE our one sheet of paper booklets – no glue required, just a clever cut here and a fold there.. and hey presto, you have yourself a fun 8 page booklet! We have shared this fun activity before – both in “plain” to use in whatever way you please (we especially love the themed study booklets), and as printables, most popular – the “All About Me” booklet that Mrs Mactivity and I created for you a while back!
Mindfulness Booklet with 5 Calming Exercises
Today’s back to school booklet is a calming booklet with exercises to release stress and anxiety. It is a fabulous project that allows to explore the topic of mental health whilst developing fine motor skills.
This is a perfect resource for primary school students, to help them calm the mind. It is a little Zine, a booklet you can make yourself and then go through 5 little exercises step by step to help ground your self and reduce stress and anxiety.
The calming exercises are (more info below):
- Mindfulness during colouring
- Affirmations
- Bumble Bee Breathing
- Control Activity
- Gratitude Gallery
- Safe Space and 5 senses
Educational elements to this cute Calming Booklet Printable
We love this Calming Booklet Paper Craft Project for a number of reasons:
- You get to spend time colouring and crafting with your kids.
- The craft offers the possibility to enter a conversation on how we feel and what we can do to relax when emotions run high.
- These calming and grounding exercises can help reduce anxiety and focus on the present moment.
- They are fabulous for fine motor skills (e.g. colouring, cutting out elements for the Autumn scene, llama and clothes).
- The booklet fits into almost any pocket to be carried around and taken out when your little one feels the need to.
Supplies needed for the Calming Booklet Paper Craft Project:
- Our free Calming Booklet printable with our sponsors,
- Paper,
- Colouring pens, and/or markers,
- Scissors,
Hop on over to our sponsors at Learning Resources and download your FREE Calming Booklet Paper Craft printable. You will need to click on their “small” image of the printable, which will open up in a new window for you to open.
How to make the Calming Booklet:
Download the printable! In the PDF file you will find the actual Calming Booklet template as well as further instructions on how to make the booklet.
1, The template has folding guidelines, that ALL need to be folded. Begin by, folding the calming booklet template in half.
2. Fold again.
3. …and again!! Make sure the edges are all aligned and the creases are neat.
4. Open the template and you will see the just folded lines split the paper into 8 equal parts = rectangles.
5. Fold the paper again in half as before and make a cut from the middle of the folded edge halfway into the paper. Use your scissors.
6. Open the paper and fold it along the long edge this time. Push the ends inwards to create an x-shape. Then fold the paper into one direction to form pages.
And there you have your own Calming Booklet out of one sheet of paper!
Working with the Calming Booklet:
Calming Activity No 1: Colouring
Now is a good time to colour in your booklet. This way you get up close and familiar with what kind of exercises you can do in order to calm your nerves and ground your self. Already colouring itself is such an activity.
Calming Activity No 2: Affirmations
Right on the cover you can spot the little rainbow and on it you will three affirmations. Set a timer to about 5 minutes and slowly read out the affirmations and repeat. Affirmations are really important for us especially when we feel down and quite negative about ourselves. It might feel silly at start but it really does work and will help you think more positive about yourself.
You can add more affirmations around and inside the rainbow if you can think of any other!
Calming Activity No 3: Breath like a bumblebee
Can you breath out like a bumblebee buzzes about?
In this activity you move your finger slowly along the outside of the petals of the flower. You start at 1. And move outwards while breathing in. Then you hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Now is the time to make a bumblebee sounds. Breath out ‘buzzing’ while moving your finger from 2. To 3. Keep on going until you reach number 10.
Calming Activity No 4: Control
Sometimes we worry about things that we really don’t have to. Whatever we cannot control we do not need worrying about as we cannot change it. So, this little exercise will help to have a look at your life and see what do you have control over and what not.
Calming Activity No 5: Gallery
Here you can decide what kind of gallery you wish to create! What gallery fits best for your life right now. Here are some ideas:
- Awesomeness Gallery: Write down and/or draw what is great about YOU.
- Gratefulness Gallery: Write down and/or draw what you are thankful for. What is awesome on your life around you and you would not want to miss?
Calming Activity No 6: My safe place
When stressed sometimes it helps to imagine yourself to your most favourite place in the world. The place where you feel safe and loved.
In this activity here start thinking about what this place looks like in your life. And don’t worry, there is no judging. Everyone’s safe place looks different. There is no right or wrong.
When you can see this place in front of it try and draw it in the frame or write it down. Then envision yourself in your safe place and note down what it is that you hear, smell, see, taste and feel.
Do you feel calmer now?! I hope you do!
More Back to School Mindfulness Resources with Learning Resources
As mentioned, we have teamed up with Learning Resources AND Mrs Mactivity to bring you not one, but two wonderful back to school mindfulness activities. Do hop over to learn more here:
Wishing you a wonderful time making this little Calming Booklet, happy colouring!
More back to school mini notebooks!
As mentioned we have some more back to school mini notebooks that you will love:
- themed study booklets),
- the “All About Me” booklet by Mrs Mactivity