Digital Egg Hunt with Learning Resources
Just a heads up, this is NOT a sponsored post.. I just thought you guys would find this fun.. right 🙂
So.. are you ready for a Digital Easter Egg Hunt??! Find out more…

As we are #StayingIndoors , we have teamed up with Learning Resources for an eggciting online Easter egg hunt.
You’ll stand the chance to win an eggciting prize and receive a mystery discount!
Want to join in and find out more.. here is what you need to do.
- On 6th April hop along to Learning Resources’ Facebook or Instagram pages and look out for the clues.
2. Follow the clues to find one of their favourite blogs, where you’ll need to hunt for an Easter egg to crack.
3. Hidden inside each Easter Egg you’ll discover a letter! Remember all the letters because you’ll need them to spell out the answer to a question at the end of the hunt to enter the competition!
Learning Resources are giving away a bumper Alternative Easter Gift prize bundle to once lucky winner and everyone who enters the Egg Hunt will receive a surprise discount of between 10-50% off a Learning Resources purchase on their website.

Egg-cited yet? I hope so!! Be sure to come back on the 6th April and join in!