DIY Party Surprise Ball & Game
After buying a Brussel Sprout surprise ball/ pass the parcel last Christmas, we are HOOKED on the this fun party game – and the best bit? It is easy to make your own DIY Party Surprise Ball game – this is great for as a Tween Slumber Party Activity! A great alternative to Saran Wrap Ball enthusiasts too!

We like to add jokes and some truth or dares to add extra fun to our surprise balls. Simply print a set of jokes/ truth or dare questions off and tape them to the prizes!
If you are a fan of the “Saran Wrap” balls game to play at Christmas, read on! Here is pretty much the same game – easy and fun to make – but a little environmentally friendlier! Avoid all that plastic waste. Make the same.. from crepe paper!

What is a Pass the Parcel Surprise Ball?
Also known as “Peel and Reveal” or “DIY Surprise Ball”, these a combination of the traditional pass the parcel game, suprise ball fad and Christmas cracker toot.
Basically – wrap up a bunch stuff in multiple layers of crepe paper, for kids to unravel….
And as it is PARTY time in our house, we made these into Party Surprise Balls – in our case we made it Percy Pig Party themed (long story!) (Percy Pig is a product range here in the UK Marks and Spencer’s shop). They make a great Party Game – whether at home or in the classroom. If doing these in the classroom, you could have two Percy Pig Surprise Balls going round the class at the same time. We are using ours as party of our teen sleepover party!
Good jokes to print/ Turth or Dare ideas
I went “online” and printed these off:
Supplies needed to make your own Percy Pig Pass the Parcel

- Per pass the parcel piggy – one roll of crepe paper (I bought 6 Rolls 4.5cm x 25m)*
- “Things to put inside” (see below)
- Paper scraps to decorate
- Glue stick
- Scissers
*Now this pig pass the parcel is a little bigger than the Halloween Pass the parcels I made previously
Things to put inside your DIY Surprise Ball
As my kids are now 12 and 14, I have learnt the “hard way” how terrible all the party plastic “toot is”. Sorry, if you are still in the middle of it all and your kids love it! But in my quest to avoid too many sweets when they were little kids, I ended up with rather a lot of random rubbish. That makes me fill with horror when I think of the landfill it creates. Taking me eco hat off though, here are some ideas for your homemade pass the parcel/ surprise ball:
- Small toys
- Stickers and temporary tatoos
- SWEETS (that is what we went for and found the Haribo mini bags worked well)
- A gift at the centre of the surprise ball – my daughter crocheted a little piggy. It is so cute! But you could add:
- Wind up toys or bouncy balls
Having “missed a trick” with our Party Surprise balls we also added
- Paper jokes (this is what our pass the parcel sprout contained)
- Some “would you rather” and “truth or dare” challenges to each sweetie layer
In short: think about what you would want to put in a homemade Christmas Cracker and use that!
How to make a pass the parcel surprise ball DIY
Hooray, we have a quick DIY Surprise Ball Video Tutorial on auto play for you (it is the one of our Halloween Ball! Just switch out the gifts and the colours). But of course also have our step by step written instructions below!
Step by step instructions to make this DIY Party Game

Begin by wrapping the “central gift” – in our case we made a handmade crochet pig. I say “we” but my daughter made it. Secure with some glue stick as you.
Once the gift is covered in crepe paper, start with the next gift layers.

We added sweets and tape some jokes and would you rather challenges to them. Add glue stick before and after the gift.

Repeat. Keep wrapping and gluing and adding gifts. Switch it out. Make some gifts relatively close and others further apart.
As we needed a lot of sweets in this one, I added a white layer of crepe paper in the mideel. So for this DIY Pig theme party game, I used 1.5 rounds of crepe paper. Half pink, half white and then half pink again.
Top Tip: remember to add glue at regular intervals. This makes the unravel a little more challenging and fun.

Draw some simple pig features on pink paper, cut them out and…

Glue them onto your suprise ball! Da-daaaa and done!
A great alternative to the Saran Wrap craze for teens! Especially when you a some challenges to your layers.
If you are looking for other tween party activities, check out our DIY Sleep Masks: