Kids Crafts: Christmas at The Dolls House
Well…. even the lovely little people in our cardboard box doll’s house need to celebrate Christmas… so today we made some decorations for the doll’s house, that also double up as Christmas Tree ornaments… Perfect for little or big hands. Make them yourself (and let them magically appear over night in the doll’s house or just decorate your tree) or with your children. I know I haven’t published my doll’s house “how to” yet.. only a teaser photo. I *promise* it IS coming.. there have just been so many great Christmassy Guest Post to do first!
So this week we made:
* Christmas tree ornaments (also known as a doll’s Christmas tree for every room (almost))
* Recycled mini paper chains (how fiddly, how sweet)
The Book
A Wish To Be A Christmas Tree, by Colleen Monroe
Aaaaaah an adorable book about a fir tree on a Christmas tree farm, that has grown too tall for anyone to want it (or be able to fit into their house). The tree knows this and is very very sad as each year the people come and choose the trees around him.
The animals of the forrest see how upset the tree gets and decide that one night, when he is asleep they will ocme and surprise him. Decorating the tree in their own special way and showing him how much he is loved by all the animals and what he has done for them over the years.
We love the prose and we ADORE the illustrations. Gorgeous for the advent season.
The Crafts
Well… I always knew I wanted to make a Christmas tree with the children as one their advent calendar activities. And there are SO MANY fabulous ideas out there, I was a little stumped as to which to do.. in the end we kept it VERY simple and it was just perfect. Me and My Shadow made similar ones as table place markers.. ours will go in the house.. but you can also include a ribbon and hang them in your tree.. or decorate your mantle piece?! So make them, use them, have fun.
Materials: Card & green paint (or, ahem, green card), glue, things to stick on, scissors, ribbon for hanging if need be!
1) Cut a semi circle. I used a small plate as a template. Later we made a bigger taller tree, for which we used a quarter of a circle using a dinner plate as a template.
2) Glue into a cone and add your ribbon if you will use these as hanging ornaments. If necessary paint!
3) Once dry add your decorations. We had: lots of sequin-cy things, some left over gems and later I found some sticker stars (very popular). We stuck two snowflake sequins together to make a Christmas tree topper! I was impressed with how well Pip Squeak was managing the sticking! She is only 2yrs! Red Ted is 3.75yrs. The kids ADORED it. And they loved putting the trees in the doll’s house!
The Paper Chain
As to the paper chains… I rather rather RATHER underestimated how wonderful paper chains are to children. I haven’t made them in years and thought a mini chain for the house would be fun. Red Ted was thrilled. He was giggling away when he saw the magazine page being transformed into a paper chain. He helped me by adding the glue, but found the actual chain making (they are so small) too fiddly:
In case you are not familiar with paper chains – cut a number of equal lenght and width paper strips and then form paper loops… inserting a new strip each time before glueing it shut! Ta da:
Lovely, no?!? The doll’s house is now fully accessories for Christmas… alternatively make paper chains and Christmas Tree ornaments for your own tree!
For more Kid’s Craft ideas, click here for a full list.
If you have been crafty with your kid’s be it at home, in the kitchen or outdoors, I would love for you to link up: