Easy Monster Cookies for Preschoolers to make

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I love all sorts of Monster Crafts with the kids, because young children can just go wild and have fun and not worry about whether their monster “looks right or wrong”. Perfect. Lots of eyes and spots and mouths and happy children. So we decided make some fun Monster Cookies, these are in time for Halloween, but I don’t see why you cannot make them any time of year of for a Monster Party. These are part of our Halloween Crafts for Toddlers series! This also make a great Edible Craft for Boys!

monster cookies
This post was first shared in October 2012 and has been updated and reshared for you convenience

No Egg Sugar Cookies – Ingredients

Basic Cookie Ingredients:

  • 300g flour,
  • 200g butter (unsalted and at room temp),
  • 100g sugar

This is our favourite recipe for baking with young kids, but any biscuit recipe/ plain store bought cookie you have will do!

Monster Cookie Decoration:

  • Icing sugar,
  • food colouring,
  • sweets,
  • white chocolate buttons – or edible googly eyes like these US/ UK (affiliate link)
  • black confectioners piping

How to make your MONSTER COOKIES!

1) Mix all your ingredients into a  smooth dough. It helps if you use butter at room temperature. Bake in oven at 180C for 10-15min until golden (spot check). Let cool fully.

*Easy Monster Cookies for Preschoolers* Easy and fun Monster Cookies to bake with your preschooler or toddler this Halloween. Quirky, fun and oh so easy (and tasty!! Teehee). The perfect Halloween Cookies for Toddlers! #halloween #cookies #preschool #toddler

2) Mix a small bowl full of icing sugar with a few drops of food colouring and water. Try not to make it too runny (we always make it far too runny)

3) Then let the children go wild: Icing first, followed by chocolate button eyes (add a black pupil for them as the go along), sweets for spots and noses and mouths.

Let dry.

*Easy Monster Cookies for Preschoolers* Easy and fun Monster Cookies to bake with your preschooler or toddler this Halloween. Quirky, fun and oh so easy (and tasty!! Teehee). The perfect Halloween Cookies for Toddlers! #halloween #cookies #preschool #toddler


More super cute and easy monster crafts for Preschoolers on Red Ted Art:

And check out our Frankensteins and Zombies over at Life At The Zoo:

What are your favourite monster crafts? Do you like Halloween Baking?

More Brilliant Halloween Crafts for Preschoolers here:

*Easy Monster Cookies for Preschoolers* Easy and fun Monster Cookies to bake with your preschooler or toddler this Halloween. Quirky, fun and oh so easy (and tasty!! Teehee). The perfect Halloween Cookies for Toddlers! #halloween #cookies #preschool #toddler

Or.. why not check out our crazy cute Monster Crafts for Preschool:

Monster Crafts