Frozen Story Stones
Some of you may have seen our Frozen Puppets last week. The kids had great fun playing with them and then I had some lovely poeple on twitter and instagram share their puppets with me too. One of them – Lisa from Foundation Stage Two – had the great idea to take the free printable and also make it into story stones. WONDERFUL. So we decided to make some Frozen Story Stones too – for two reasons, we ADORE story stones AND they do keep a bit longer (if you are making the paper puppets, you may want to consider laminating them). So, here is a lovely Story Stone crafts thanks to Lisa! Check out Lisa’s wonderful Frozen Small World play table too. Gorgeous.
Frozen Story Stone Materials:
- Stones
- Decoupage glue or watered down white glue (PVA glue)
- Frozen Characters Printable (download yours free or cut them out from a magazine)
- Brush & Scissors
Frozen Story Stone What we did:
1) Begin by looking at the stones you have – what shapes and sizes do you have? Which stone would work best with which character? Do your characters fit? Do you need to trim them a little?
2) Cut out your characters and trim if need be.
3) Add a layer of decoupage glue to your stone.
4) Place your image on top and add another layer to secure the image. Try and avoid any wrinkles. Work your way drom top down to the bottom, or from one side to the other, to smooth out any bubbles.
5) Let dry…. and your Frozen Story Stones are finished.
I LOVED listening to the kids with these later in the day. I purposefully only made one set, so they were “forced” to play together. It was adorable hearing their cries of “It’s Coronation Day!” and “Chooooclate!”. Adorable. And we love packing them up in a little bag we have and taking them along with us on a trip in the car. These would be great Frozen Party activity.