Fun with Post-it Notes #fulloflife
As you know we are a GREAT fan of Post-it Notes in our house…. we already made some Post-it Notes Pinatas (seriously, I know I am bias, but they are sooo cute, you simply have to check them out – our Pinata Owl and our Monsters Inc Pinata here). And the kids are forever using Post-it Notes to make colourful little drawings. So… when the peeps from 3M sent me some of the NEW Post-it Full Adhesive Notes (known as FAN), I was rather excited. Ooh the possiblities. The Post-its FANs are – in essence teh same as “normal” post its, apart from that they have a full square surface of adhesive. So less “flapping in the wind”…..
They challenged me to come up with some ideas for you.. and I loved making these:
I am a great fan of DIY Wrapping paper, as you may well know! I think it is fun, original, gets the kids involved AND gets you out of a pickle when you forgot to stop up on said Wrapping paper… the new FAN Post-its worked a TREAT! Firstly, the squares stick really well. And if the kdis are helping you, you can peel them off again and re-arrange them to get them JUST right. You can cut them diagnoally to get some triangles and make them really fun too. Also, as Post-it Notes come in such bright colours, they will make any present look pretty!
We are a great fan of reward charts in our house. I have a post from a while back, where I made the kids some “house reward charts”, that we fill with bunnies as they earn their points. We still have them 2-3 years later. BUT, they are tatty.. always falling off the fridge and we have lost all our bunnies. Using the FAN Post-it notes in a similar fashion is great replacement… as they STAY on the wall. you can remove all the “people in the house”, once the child has filled their chart and easily start again. All you need is a small space of wall (e.g. by a child’s bed) or even stick them behind a door. They look neat, tidy AND FUN (and believe me reward charts need to be fun to work for kids!). Lovely.
Finally I have a growth chart idea for you….
I don’t know about you, but we have been tracking the kids growth for a while – with a wonky pencil and big scribbles. The wall is a mess. Mainly because the kdis insist on writing some of the dates themselves… they are only 4 and 6, so you can imaging what THAT looks like. So I am going to replace it with some FAN Post-its. Find a corner of the house that will become your reward chart. Then choose a colour per child or a colour per date and get going.
What I like about using FAN Post-its is a) they don’t fall off, b) you can add lots more information – name, date, height AND maybe something like an interest of the time.. and c) should you move house… you can take them with you and reassemble somewhere else!! Wonderful!
What do you think? They look great, no?! Check out the FAN Post-It FB page and like them for LOTS MORE GREAT IDEAS… Or look for the #fulloflife hashtag on twitter. I rather like this Science one..