Puzzle Coasters – Gifts Kids Can Make

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If you are looking to recycle old puzzles or for gifts kids can make – be it for Father’s Day or Christmas – check out these simple but lovely coasts. I think coasters make a great “gift for dad” in general and there many variations on them. And they are super simple to make!

0 eric carle seal puzzle

Materials: old puzzles pieces (that do fit together), a piece of card or cork or an existing old coaster, glue, water/ heat proof varnish (depending on how you intend to use them)

I love the idea of “using” what is actually on your puzzle already – the above coaster is a bit of “sky”. But I think it would be fun, to have part of Superhero Puzzle showing, or maybe the wheel of a racing car. It all depends on what old puzzles you have lying around. If you have nothing suitable for Dad or the whoever you are making it for, you can always paint over the puzzle pieces. That would also look nice!

Puzzle Craft ideas

1) Assemble your puzzle.

2) Cut a piece of card to fit – we cute a little nick out of our card, so you couldn’t see it peeping out.

3) Glue on your puzzle pieces, let dry.

4) Varnish in order to waterproof or heat proof it.

And finished a lovely Father’s Day Gift or Christmas Gift all done!

Need more gifts kids can make ideas, check out:

Fathers Day 210 Father’s Day Ideas & a Hangout


craft-ideas-for-him-fathers-day40 Ideas for Him (some made by you and some by the kids)

Need more Puzzle Craft ideas? Take a look at these…

Over 10 puzzle craft ideas