Handprint Alphabet P for… Penguin

Well. I am sorry. In our house, there could be no “other P” than P for Penguin!!! We love love love penguins. A fun litle paper penguin art project for little ones. 

handprint alphabet

handprint alphabet

This was an easy one… a full black handprint, followed by some embellishments!

handprint alphabet

Red Ted’s plus some ice bergs and roads! Note the “extended” wings. Red Ted was quite insistent on making the wings stand away from the body! Love how he is adding his own little details!

handprint alphabet penguins

Pip Squeak put her mark on it with her pink little feet…. aaah.

More alphabet letters here:

Handprint Art A,  Handprint Art B,  Handprint Art CHandprint Art DHandprint Art F , Handprint Art GHandprint HHandprint Art IHandprint Art JHandprint Art KHandprint Art LHandprint Art MHandprint Art N, Handprint Art O