Handprint Alphabet – E is for Elephant
Now, this is a very special handprint craft letter – the letter E for Elephant! Why, is this so special, I hear you ask? Well.. I saw the gorgeous Cheshire Mum do this exact same handprint elephant a few weeks ago and it was this handprint that may be think “of course, my kids would LOVE this”… and the Handprint Alphabet Series for preschoolers was born! Thank you Claire for the inspiration. This one is for you!
The handprint elephant is very cute indeed! It helps to show your child and example of another elephant (e.g. show your kids this post or Cheshire Mum‘s) and then they can see that you have a trunk and four legs created from your hand print… so to make … you need to paint the whole hand:
Today both kids decided that it tickled.
But in a nice way.
Once dried they decorated with our favourite googly eyes.
Red Ted was able to and keen to add the lines and ear himself!
Here are Pip Squeaks. I added the lines for her. You can see on the trunks, that she found it harder not to wobble her hands. But that is ok, I still think they are very cute!
Checkout previous weeks’:
Handprint Art A, Handprint Art B, Handprint Art C, Handprint D