How to… make a Bird Cake & Necklaces (Guest Post)
Well hello! I hope you will all be enjoying your festive breaks. Whilst your tummies are full of food and you snuggle up on sofas and near fireplaces, give a little thought to our feathery friends out there and think about Getting Crafty with these SUPER cute Bird Feeder Crafts from Kate at Mini Eco. These feeders are a perfect activity for that”quiet time between Christmas and New Year”. Kate writes a blog I stumbled upon through our mutual appreciation of Okido Magazine. And I am so glad that stumble I did. Her blog is truly beautifully creative. Way out of my league and simply gorgeous to look at, get inspired from and get crafty! If you haven’t seen it yet, now is the time to go and take a look. Welcome Kate at Mini Eco! Over to Kate and her gorgeous photos! (PS I know this is a recipe from the RSPB website, however, Kate’s gorgeous photographs are what inspired us to get Bird Crafty this winter…)
Kate writes:
Well the weather outside is frightful…so we decided to made some munchies for our feathered friends!
We got this birdcake recipe from the RSPB website. Check it out. I love their ‘make and do’ section. Can I just underline the fact that it’s better not to melt the lard – if you do it leaks through the hole in the yoghurt pot and runs everywhere – I speak from (a very messy) experience!
I also made some strings of popcorn and sunflower seeds to hang in our bushes. Birds love popcorn apparently (not microwave popcorn though because that has too much salt and butter etc).
Looking for more Bird Feeder DIY inspiration?