How to… Make (No Sew) Wristbands
Oh my goodness, we actually made these “No Sew Wristbands” by “accident”. We were crafting away at something else, when the kids pulled out some of their old hole-y socks from the craft stash and started putting them on their hands. I looked. Took on snip and we had:
Materials: An old pair of socks (preferably with a wide “rim” at the top – GAP kids socks are perfect!), scissors.
I know it is a bit simple etc. But the kids, especially Pip Squeak loves her so much… and they actually look quite nice too. They are so quick to make and are a perfect solution for those socks with holes in them. Now Pip Squeak has a Pink, Blue and Orange set! Fab. How could I not share this very simple How To?!