Kids Get Crafty: Egg Birds & Owls (Egg Blowing Part 2)
Welcome to Kids Get Crafty! Hooray, how I love getting crafty with my children! Remember how a few weeks ago, I did a post on “Easter Egg Blowing” – how I love the delicate nature of a blown egg?! Well, I think that you can do this with children too – older children can have a go at blowing and younger can help you decorating… of course, if you are still not sure, then make these little birds with either hardboiled eggs or with styrofoam eggs from the store. Your call!
Visit How to… Easter Egg Blowing for more on the basics.
The Book
My First Easter Story, by Tim Dowley.
Now the craft is fun and jovial… my book choice is less so… I am a strong believer in the fact that you need to teach your children about the world, how it works and why we do things. So what is Easter all about? It isn’t just about Easter bunnies, chicks and chocolate, but of course there is a very important story behind it. So I went on the hunt for some “introductions to Easter” and found this little book.
I have to say, I am uncertain about the book – on the one hand they have done a great job of “simplifying what happened” for young children yet on the other hand, I find the use of words such as “hate” and “kill” really hard when talking to a 3 year old. Having said that, what else can you say to child about the story of Jesus? How he was crucified and killed? There is only so much you can do with rose tinted spectacles. And if I really want to educate my child about Easter, then these words and images are unavoidable. The book makes haste not to linger too long on these bits (without brushing over them) and therefore probably is a good choice. The illustrations are great (and not frightening or scary) And of course, as we all know, things “end happily” – Jesus rises from the dead and eventually ascends to heaven.
If you have any book suggestions on Easter or any religious topic for that matter, please do let me know. I am would like to introduce Red Ted to all sorts of beliefs and backgrounds.
The Craft
Some of you may have seen that I made the basic bird for a Guardian article a couple of weeks ago.. since then Red Ted has been shouting More! More! (doesn’t he always?) and one day we came up with these little Owls too. As with many of my “toddler craft”, I find it helpful, if you cut out all the pieces, lay it front of the toddler and then they can see where they go. They are then surprisingly good at the actual sticking…
Materials: one egg, 2 feathers, one beak (we used foam), some contrasting card for the eyes, googly eyes, glue, ribbon for hanging
So. Prepare your egg as per Easter Egg Blowing. An older child can paint the egg themselves, or you may use food dyes… I decided to paint the egg for Red Ted, he did all the glueing:
And here are the final ones:
And here are some for Granny’s house:
Have you been decorating any Easter Eggs? Let us see!
For more Kid’s Craft ideas, click here for a full list.
If you have been crafty with your kid’s be it at home, in the kitchen or outdoors, I would love for you to link up:
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