Mini Vase Cards for Real Flowers
Mini Vase Carfs for Real Flowers – here is an adorable Card Making Idea – turn your cards into mini vases for REAL FLOWERS! These are perfect for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or as Teach Appreciation cards. Aren’t they the cutets? They are a gorgeous guest post by Mary Alice Baldwin from Brainy Beginnings Network for our 31 Days of Love series!! We are already on Day 25!! Which means you have 25 stunning Valentines Day Crafts to check out…. there are many great Valentines Decorations and Valentines Cards that you will love!
Mini Vases – Valentines Cards
Is there anything a paper roll can’t do? I’m beginning to believe the answer is no. Add some cardboard and I believe it’s possible to create a small city. For now, let’s focus on creating a lovely set of mini vases!
Shall we?
To make your mini vases, gather:
- Paper Rolls
- Paint
- Cardboard
- Xacto knife
- Flowers
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Squirt bottle or paint brushes
How to make a mini vase card for real flowers
- Cut cardboard into 9 square pieces using a ruler and xacto knife. Paint cardboard color of choice.
- Cut paper roll into two pieces. Draw a vase shape on each half and cut it out. Make 9; one for each square cardboard back. Optional: Paint the vases a white basecoat.
- Pour paint into a squirt bottle. Let the kids go wild covering the vases in paint! Let the paint dry.
- Hot glue vases onto the cardboard squares.
- Place small stems into vases and arrange on the wall or place on a table! (Do not put water into the vases – but you can add a wet piece of kitchen towl wrapped in clingfilm around the stem of the flower to make them last longer.) Enjoy!
Hello! My name is Mary Alice Baldwin. I am the founder of Brainy Beginnings Network, a site created to induce a whimsy filled creative coma in your family! Pop on over for lots of unique ideas.
Here are more gorgeous ideas:
More great Valentine’s Day Cards to make:
More wonderful Valentine’s Decorations:
And some lovely Mother’s Day Crafts