Nature Play Ideas – Playing Shop
We love exploring nature and we love nothing more than PLAYING with nature. So we have created a mini series of Nature Play Ideas for you. Simple ways to explore and enjoy nature together – “No added extras” needed. Explore, collect play, and when you are done, leave things were you found them (or bring them home for some cheeky crafts). This would be a great activity if your are Camping with Kids too!
Today’s Nature Play Ideas is: Playing Shop!
Both my kids LOVE playing shop. It is such a simple and fun activity for them to do. You can collect larger nature items – e.g. a large leaf, a large pine cone, a large stone as things to be purchased in your shop. And you can use smaller items, such as shells, small stones, acorns etc, as your “currency”. With older kids, you can give the currencies different values – £1 for a shell, a penny for a stone etc. For younger kids, they can keep the value equal (all £1!).
Playing shop is a great way to practice basic maths skills, as well as negiotiation skills. And of course it is lots of fun too!