Pop Up Photo Surprise Printables
Recently, I shared some pop up Christmas Cards with you… and then realised.. ooh these would make AMAZING pop up photo surprise printables too!

Aren’t they simply adorable. Ad they are using our Pop up Christmas Gift Cards… they are of course PERFECT as a cute little Christmas card.. however, once you add your personalised photos, these would also make lovely Pop Up Birthday Cards too.. don’t you think?

As with the Christmas Peek-a-boo cards, you can choose from any of the THREE different gifts.. ignore the character that goes with it and simply add your own photo. You could even add a family photo or your pet!

I won’t rewrite the materials and assembly instructions -as they are exactly as for our previous post – via which you can also get your free downloads.
But these pop up peek a boo cards, really are easy to make! And all you need is:
- paper (printer paper or light card is perfect)
- the printable via our partners Learning Resources (see the red button below)
- large lolly sticks
- a photo
- scissors
- glue sticks
- coloring pens
You can get the free printables over on Learning Resource’s Website (as per our Elf/ Snowman and Reindeer Pop up). You will need to click on each of the three images individually to get your elf, snowman and reindeer or look for the hyperlinked “Download the cute Christmas elf” etc words below each image!

Aren’t they fun?!
So what are you waiting for, go visit our Christmas pop up post for instructions and links to your free downloads! Enjoy!!

Check out all our Christmas Educational Resources with printables included here: