Kids Crafts: Photoframes (Presents Kids Can Make!)
The children made these simple photo frames for Daddy’s Birthday. They were simple, quick and inexpensive to make. We added a nice photo of each of them with Daddy and he now has these up at work. These would make great presents kids can make for Christmas or for Father’s Day too (or indeed make a nice Mother’s Day gift to **ahem**)!
I bought the frames a while back in Ikea, they were really cheap, but I am sure the discount shops have these too.
Materials: a simple inexpensive photoframe, acrylic paint (or normal paint + varnish)
1) The children chose their colours. I always try and encourage only 2 primary colours to avoid a big brown smudge. But they actually only asked for Red and Blue (and some white). I removed all the bits that we didn’t want painted (i.e. the “glass”, in our case clear plastic) etc.
2) Let the children paint and let dry. I do love seeing how different the kids paint – I am sure it is age related. Pip Squeak’s painting is very free, with lots of mixing of colours creating new shades. Red Ted’s is very meticulous and he takes great care to get it just “right”.
3) Add the kids’ names and ages on the back.
And finished. They loved painting, I think it is great to have presents kids can make – it teaches children about giving and making an effort rather than then encourage early consumerism.
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If you have been crafty with your kid’s be it at home, in the kitchen or outdoors, please link up!