Puzzle Pieces Crafts: Snowflakes

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So.. I was challenged to come up with some Puzzle Pieces Craft ideas.. we all have puzzles with the odd pieces missing. Rather than throw away that puzzle, think of all the puzzle crafts you could make! A tricky one at first, but the more you get into it, the more ideas come to you! We love recycling, but we also adore making Christmas Ornament DIYs and these are perfect for the Christmas tree!

I did get stuck.. so I did a little google search for inspiration and found Lisa’s Craft Blog’s little Snowflakes. I thought they were perfect. So had a go at our own.

Puzzle Craft Ideas - Snowflake Ornament

My instructions are slightly different, than what I actually did, as I “learnt” as  I went along.

These snowflakes are also included in our practical, easy to download and print out Christmas Ornament Book. Each craft is shared on one page – making the perfect worksheet print outs. Lovely to have them all in one place too!

Only $7.99

Get yours today and keep it forever!

Puzzle Snoflake Ornaments – Materials

  • 6 small puzzle pieces (the ones with two point bits at either end, no edges etc),
  • card,
  • PVA glue,
  • paint or spray paint and
  • ribbon for hanging 

Puzzle Snoflake Ornaments – How To

1) Begin my dampening your puzzle pieces and peeling off the layer of the puzzle that has a picture on it. This has two benefits – it makes the puzzle easier to paint afterwards and also makes the puzzle a little thinner, making the final snowflake less bulky. I didn’t do this, but WILL do it the next time round!

Puzzle Craft Snowflake

2) Cut a little disc from your card and glue on 3 pieces of your puzzle equally spaced out.

Puzzle Piece Crafts

3) Glue the remaining three and let dry.

4) Paint white – I may do these again and use some silver spray paint for a nice even shiny finish. Once fully dry. Paint the reverse side too.

5) Glue on some ribbon for hanging. And done. So pretty!


Want more Puzzle Craft ideas? Check  out:

Over 10 puzzle craft ideas

Want more Christmas Craft ideas? Check out this set of 40 SPARKLY WINTERY IDEAS:

00 glitter snowflake

Don’t forget to grab your copy of the Christmas Ornament Book. Each craft is shared on one page – making the perfect worksheet print outs. Lovely to have them all in one place too!

Only $7.99

Get yours today and keep it forever!