Quality Kids’ Educational Products

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First up a very big thank you to Newby Leisure for getting in touch and gifting my kids’ local primary school some of their fabulous playground equipment!! It was very well received by the staff and the children and I can see that it will be around a very long time!!

A few weeks ago the lovely people at Newby Leisure Limited contacted me to see if I wanted to review some of their amazing equipment (oh if only my kids were 5 years younger, how we would have adored one of the mud kitchens!!). As my kids are indeed older.. I thought their primary school would love something instead.

Local schools are always in need of new quality equipment.. equipment that will withstand many small hands all over it… that needs to with stand being sat, on climbed on, being knocked, accidenatlly kicked and of courses PLAYED WITH! Equipment that isn’t just fun, but also encourages the development of the imagination and learning.

The school chose the following two items:

Block Cart

Freestanding Chalkboard

I could see why they wanted these..


My kids though older, STILL love playing with wooden bricks (in fact, we have a bag full of jenga bricks, that never get used to play jenga with, but are used for creating small houses, chairs, tabels, bridges.. all sorts.. everything bug jenga!).

The block cart at school was no different. They started off with individual builds.. and soon it turned into a collaborative bridge making exercise… stacking the bricks back in the cart, seemed to be just as fun as playing with them too!

The teacher’s commented on the quality of the wood and how pleased they were with them!


All children love “mark making”… whether young or old. And I love how older kids who “claim” not to like drawing, still can’t resist having a go.

I was invited along to see the items “in use”. And the kids where literally ALL OVER IT! Though officially the chalkbard is being used in the Nursery and Reception playgrounds.. it is fun to see that even the kids big LOVE to use it when they get a chance. It surprised me how incredibly sturdy this freestanding chalk board is.. and even with 6 year 5s all over it, it stood safely on the ground.

If you are considering getting equipment for your home, homeschool, daycare or nursery, to check out Newby Leisure and their well crafted, made to last equipment!

A big thank you for both myself and the kids’ school for supplying us with some of your equipment!