Quick Kids Craft: Stick Men
What crafts to make with sticks? Easy! Remember our Stick Men from ages ago? Well we made more! This is a great addition to our Crafts for Boys collection!
Pip Squeak had a go too – you can see the one with the squished fabric! She added tons of glue and squished it on. I think it looks rather lovely and robe like!!
Red Ted now likes to practice counting with these (especially pointing out that more of them are his).
So.. now get your Nature Bags, go find some sticks and Get Crafty!
Want more Stick Crafts? Check out:
UPDATE: Having seen our photo above:
Oooh a reader and friend sent me this picture of her stick men! Hooray! I am sure that anthropologists would delight at these colourful men. I love the addition of pipecleaners, hats and hair!
And check out these giants sent to me via twitter @TinyTinRobot using wrapping paper & ribbons. Brilliant!