Romero Britto Art Printables

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More fun with the Great Artists! Today, we take a look at Romero Britto and have a wonderful Roll a Dice activity for you. Well actually.. you an use these Romero Britto inspired art printables as “simple” coloring pages – for students to choose how to decorate as they wish OR you can make it into a little Roll a Dice Art Game!! A great way to sneak in a little STEAM by having students make a 3d cube (aka the printable art dice) first!

romero britto printables

I think this Romero Britto Printable Resource is a perfect addition to any pop art lesson plans or specifically of course, Romero Britto Lesson Plans. It is a simple and VERY LOW PREP activity to add to any lesson plan gaps.. or for students who finish their work early to get started on!!

This 12 page Pop Art printable includes:

doodle art dice game

* 7 Designs (Dog, Cat, Horse, Whale, Heart, World, Man – with pattern prompts)

* 5 Doodle Art Dice (two pattern dice, one circle dice for own colors, one full color dice in rainbow colors and one number dice)

The Dice add an additional STEAM element to this Great Artist Lesson, as students get to assemble their own 3d cubes!

You can get the FULL SET of 12 pages in both my Teacher’s Pay Teacher’s and Gumroad stores. Or grab the single freebie printable to have a go (enter $0 at check out). Your purchases are always appreciated and really help support the upkeep of this blog! Thank you.

full set of printables

If you have a go at this project, please do email me or share your art projects with me on Instagram. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see them!

romero britto coloring page

I also have a fabulous Andy Warhol Printable project as part of this set of easy Great Artists Lesson Plan Projects:

andy warhol

More Great Artist projects here:

collage of art projects for kids - exploring the great artists KS1 KS2