Story + Art = Great stART- Baby Bright Bedtime Star
Our next stART project inspired by Playing By the Book and A Mommy’s Adventure – who have made some great booky projects! Do take a look, they are fab!! (and there is a chance to win some fabulous books from Playing By the Book).
I decided to choose one of Pip Squeaks books, else this will become a project all about what Red Ted and I are reading. This is a cloth book called, Baby Bright Bedtime Star (see my books section). We read this to Red Ted when he was small and now it is an integral part of Pip Squeaks bedtime – I know it off by heart, so often just recite it! I also think it is nice to do this book, as I like to “remind people” that you can start “reading” from a very young age. They get it sooner than you think!!!
This project is super simple – hopefully to inspire you that things don’t have to be clever. We decided to make some stars!! Materials needed: Paper, Scissors, Crayons! Done. I decided to glue it on some blue paper we still had..
I I drew some stars and cut them out (several sheets at a time). Red Ted and I coloured them in together. You could also decorate them with stickers or glitter! But we decided to have a simple project today!
We then hung them in Pip Squeak’s room. And she LOVES them! 🙂