Upcycled Crocs Boat Craft

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Well, I really am lucky, with today’s upcycled crocs craft!  These Croc Boats are so fun and love how well they float. But back to being lucky – I have to confess to having been a little crafty funk recently.. yes, we still make a lot – but a lot of the things we have been making have been things we often make already (e.g. some more clothes pins dollies, some paper boats, finger knitting – and also learning some REAL knitting – hama beading etc). So I am a little “low” on new crafts for YOU my reader… so here is where my luck comes into it: my crafty friends. A friend of mine, made these upcycled crocs boats with her girls… and lent them to me, so I could photograph them and share them with you! Lucky us! Yay, something new to share with you.

Boat Crafts for kids - Croc Boats

To make your Upcycled Croc Boat, you will need:

  •  and old croc shoe
  • some craft foam/ funky foam
  • a coffees stirrer or other lingish stick
  • scissors
  • pens
  • a little glue

To make your Upcycled Croc Boat:

1) Poke you stick through the top of your shoe (use scissors to make a small hole of need be) and wedge into the insole of the shoe (again, make a little hole if need be to secure). You don’t need to glue it in place, it should be enough to wedge it in place

2) Cut some sails – have a large sail to draw on or two billowing smaller ones. Decorate the sail to your hearts content.

3) Now start adding extras – a pirate’s flag maybe, or ships wheel . Maybe you need some foam people to sit your boat or you want to add some living saving rngs to the side of the boat.

Glue on all your extra bits. Once dry they are ready to float… and boy do these upcycled crocs boats float WELL!! Such.

Recycled Croc Boat Craft for Kids


Looking for more boat craft ideas? Take a peak at these:

20 Boat Crafts