3D Pokeball DIY – Pokemon Go Crafts
Pokemon Go Mania continues and if you love Pokemon and the Pokemon cartoons, take a peak at this fun 3D Pokeball DIY – easy and cheap to make! The kids and I have been indulging in Pokemon DIYs recently (check out our amazing Pinata Pokeball Cake too!). Our favouirte has to be this super duper EASY Pikachu origami, but we also have a pokeball bookmark and adorable pikachu bookmark for you to check out!
Use our easy peasy guide to how to make paper mache from flour – inexpensive, environmentally friendly and quick!
3D Pokeball DIY – Materials
for the poke ball:
- newspaper
- a small balloon (we used a water balloon)
- acrylic paints in white, red and black
for the papier mache paste:
- 1 cup of flour
- 1-2 cups of water
- a microwave
mix the flour and water, then microwave.. add more water if needed!
3D Pokeball DIY – How To
Step by step (written instructions)
- Find a balloon that is perfectly round when you blow it up.
- Cut up your newspaper in small strips
- Make your papier mache paste
- Start layering your newspaper on the ball. Make sure it is fully covered.
- Let dry.
- Once dry, start painting in layers. You may have to let each layer dry before moving onto the next one!
Want more Pokemon DIY ideas – check out this great collection – lots of ideas for Pokemon Parties, Pikachu fans and Pokeball DIYs: