3d Turkey Coloring Page for Preschoolers
Earlier in the year we brought you a gorgeous set of 3d Spring Animal Coloring Pages, as well as some wonderful 3d Farm Animal pages… the Farm Animals included a rather cute and cheeky 3d Turkey Coloring Page. With Fall and Thanksgiving coming up, I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight this fantastic little paper turkey craft, as I know some of you will enjoy making JUST HIM without having to get the whole set! Who doesn’t love a fun Turkey Craft?!

If you are interested in seeing what is in the rest of the Farmyard Crew, we have:
- a dog
- a pig
- a horse
- a donkey
- a cow
- a goat
- and of course the turkey!
Do check them out too!
Supplies needed for this 3d Turkey Coloring Page
- printer paper (the printable) & a printer
- coloring penciles, pens, markers, watercolors – whatever takes your fancy
- scissors
- a glue stick
As with many of our crafts, I try and make them accessible for as wide an audience as possible. At the moment, this little 3d Turkey Coloring Page only costs $1 (complete with printable worksheet instructions) – BUT – REMEMBER: by joining my mailing list you will be alerted to seasonal freebies. Every so often, I make ALL these 3d animal printables free to Red Ted Art readers. So be sure to join the mailing list (in sidebar or footer of this page) today!

If you are interested in checking out the complete set of 12 Farmyard Animals (as a discounted bundle), you can take a look here:

How to make your 3d Coloring Page Turkey

Cut the page in half, so you can work on coloring or watercoloring without having to wait for anything to dry!

Take some time coloring in your turkey coloring page. You can explore different mediums. We like to use watercolors for the background and felt tip pens for the animal itself. That allows the animal to really POP from the background.
If using watercolors, let them dry fully!

Now cut out the background – a nice rectangular shape. This is a great opportunity for younger kids to practice their cutting skills and cutting straight lines.
Next carefully cut out the animal parts – you will need to cut the body and the head.

Add a little glue to the BACK and on ONE end only of the turkey’s head.
Now loop it backwards, as if making a loop/ petal shape and secure to the other end of the frogs head. Remember, you want a little loop effect so you get that 3d spring animal look.

Glue the animal’s body in position on your background sheet.
Now add glue to the back of the top of the animals head and glue towards the top of the animal’s body. If you wish you can add any details by drawing on the left over paper scraps and cutting these out to add to your coloring page.

Done!! Isn’t your 3d Turkey Paper Craft wonderful?!

Are you hooked? Maybe you want to check out the rest of the Farmyard Animal Crew:

Or maybe you fancy some more Turkey Crafts?